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Plastic sheets

HM-Plastic-Shop offers a wide selection of plastic sheets which can be cut to different sizes according to your needs. 

Original PLEXIGLASS® sheets and Perspex® acrylic sheets. The world-renowned products which can be used for a wide variety of purposes. PLEXIGLASS® and Perspex® sheets are UV-resistant, can withstand rain and extreme weather conditions, and are used for many different hobby projects. Available in many different colours.

Acrylic: Acrylic sheets are some of the most popular plastic sheets. We offer acrylic sheets in different thicknesses. Perfect for aquariums, shelves, as an alternative to glass windows, etc. Available in clear, opal, and cast - as well as in a variety of colours. 

We carry impact-resistant polycarbonate plastic sheets in 3 varieties: 
Polycarbonate, regular: A polycarbonate plastic sheet is one of the most shatter-proof plastic sheets in the world which makes it suitable for shielding, safety glass, and break-proof double-glazed windows. 
Continue to Polycarbonate sheets.

Polycarbonate UV: Similar to the regular variety but with a built-in UV protection which makes it very suitable for outdoor use, since it does not turn yellow from exposure to sunlight. A polycarbonate UV sheet is therefore ideal as unbreakable greenhouse windows and skylights.

Polycarbonate UV scratch-resistant: Scratch-resistant polycarbonate plastic sheets are particularly suitable for double-glazed windows, since they will remain scratch-free when washed and polished. 

All our plastic sheets can be found on our website in different premeasured sizes, but we also offer to cut your plastic sheets according to your individual specifications.